Saturday, October 10, 2015

I will be eaten?

eat, eating, eaten, eaten out, eating out

This restaurant banner reads, "no matter what you imagine, you will be eaten more than you expect." The problem is that the phrase "you will be eaten" has two possible meanings, and the restaurant does not mean either one.

One meaning is the dictionary meaning of "to eat." You will go to this restaurant and, instead of you eating the food, someone or something will eat you. This implies that you would lose limbs (fingers, hands, arms, toes, feet, legs), ears, or noses, and possibly even die. So we really don't think this restaurant is advertising that.

A second meaning is sexual, and we will not explain that here. But this meaning suggests that women who go to this restaurant will have a specific sexual act performed on them. Again, we really don't think this restaurant is advertising that.

There are two correct ways to say this instead. First, you could say "you will eat more than you expect." Or, you could say, "you will be eating more than you expect." In the English language, these very small changes make the difference between suggesting that you will eat food or suggesting that you will endure violent or sexual acts.

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